How To Sign Up

Signing up for alerts is very simple.  It takes just a few moments of your time and you will be kept up to date with information for Richland County.   Below are step-by-step instructions on how to start receiving alerts from the many departments within Richland County.

1.  Click on the following link to take you to the signup page:  RC Alerts!

2.  Fill out your first name, last name, give yourself a username/password and answer the security question. 

3.  Scroll down to the Location Information and enter in your Location Name and address information.  Note* Location Name example would be HOME

     **Your street address is required. Please enter as much information as possible.. The EVERBRIDGE application can send alerts to those who have signed up to specific addresses.  This is more utilized for the NOAA Weather alerts but departments within the county have the ability to do this as well.

4.  Please enter your email address and/or cell phone number to receive text messages. 

5.  You are almost finished.  Just click the "I accept box"  and click the "Create Account" button

6.  Next you validate your information, by adding Location and/or numbers

7.  Click CONTINUE to go through and validate and you are now enrolled!!!